ok, word problem :)
On Mar 20, 6:58 pm, "Tater" > wrote:
> pretend you are me, you bought a winemaking kit, and a wine kit, have
> been pouring through instructions and pestering people on forums and
> such.
> you wander into a winemaking shop, you have a $5 bill in your pocket.
> what would you buy.
> please show me your ideas. also include ideas if it was a $10 or $20
> or $50
I've noticed no one has said anything about spare chenicals/yeasts,
but this will be a good shopping list.
anyway, will be going to a town with a wine shop and will toss a bit
of cash to them, athough their prices quoted online are a bit above
what has been posted here(not much, about a dollar or two)