Alternative cooking times for huge slab of meat
Ok, it's done, mostly. I put it into the 500 degree oven covered with
onions, tomatoes, celery, wine, and with plenty of slits filled with
slices of garlic. Turned the heat down to 275, forgot to cover it,
and set the timer for 4 hours.
Even being uncovered. Even with me not slicing off the thick slab of
fat on top. There was a good quart of juice, plus over a cup of fat.
I had to use 2 large spatulas to move the meat to the covered
container for storage, and had to slice off a good-sized chunk that
wouldn't fit. I was amazed at how little it seemed to shrink.
What amazed me was the amount of liquid left over. I guess the fat
kept it from evaporating. Used about 2 cups of water to deglaze the
pan, so I have a fridge full now.
Thanks for all your advice.
maxine in ri