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Default Squash Soup - making it up as I went along

Adam Schwartz wrote:

> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I bought a gorgeous winter squash at the farmers market yesterday -- not
>>sure of the variety -- bright orange shell, the shape *kind of* reminded
>>me of a curling stone. I want to think it's a Buttercup variation but
>>won't swear to it.
>>I managed to whack it in half longitudinally and put it face down on a
>>pie plate and nuked it -- maybe 13 minutes total time. Scooped the
>>seeds and fibers after nuking. I whipped it with my hand mixer, adding
>>a little margarine.
>>I sweated some minced onion (not much -- less than 1/4 cup) in a
>>saucepan with a little margarine, then sprinkled on some curry powder
>>(maybe 1/4 - 1/2 tsp) and cooked that a little. I stirred in some
>>frozen homemade de-fatted chicken broth and tried to purée the onions
>>with a stick blender; and then combined that with the whipped squash
>>(there wasn't a whole lot of squash left by this time - maybe 3/4 cup or
>>so; I'd been, um, tasting it). I brought it all to a quick boil, shut
>>it off and stirred in 'some' 2% milk (good thing I didn't have anything
>>richer in the fridge; I'd have used that), and poured it into a bowl,
>>ground a little pepper on top and enjoyed it immensely. I'll definitely
>>do it again, maybe making a thicker potion.
>>-Barb ( updated 10-10-03; check the PickleHats tab)

> I'm none too familiar with curling stones, but if they're those heavy round
> things with handles, I'd say you're dealing with a crookneck squash. The
> soup sounds very good. As a matter of fact, I just got the squash soup
> recipe from the restaurant where I work, and it's almost identical.

Try mixing in a few tablespoons of peanut butter, then garnishing with
some chopped peanuts and scallions. Absolutely DEE-LISH!
