Cheri <gserviceatinreachdotcom> wrote:
: There are a whole lot of great recipes here
: I
: love zuchinni or eggplant for the lasagna recipes. YMMV
: Cheri
: Janet Wilder wrote in message
: >...
: >The carby holiday of Passover will be here really soon. Does anyone
: have
: >any good recipes that are low in carbs. Almost everything seems to be
: >filled with matzo meal, potatoes or potato starch. I want a one dish
: >meal to serve company. A veggie lasagna, maybe?
: >
: >Also, I would really appreciate a good coconut macaroon recipe with
: >Splenda. I'll trade my almond macaroon recipe for it.
: >
: >Janet
: >--
: >Janet Wilder
: >Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
: >Good Friends. Good Life
Unfortunatley, I can't use the Splenda during Pesach and it is a real pain
as the only KLP sweetener available is a saccharine "Sweet and Low, which
I do use mixed with cinnamon in plac eof jam or a sweetener for my once a
year fried matzo. I also do uas it with my very light matzo meal pancakes
which we also have once dueing the holiday.
Manaschevits(sp?) is now making soem reduced sugar cocoanut macaroons. I
stumbled upon them and have tried them. Not as good as the real things,
but ok and at 4 carbs for 1 small cookie they are ok if not pigged out on.
I also found a sugar free marble cake (Schick's) made with potato starch,
as it has no matzo meal in it that I bought for the second seder when
there will be 3 diabetics in attendence. It may well be absolutely
dreadful, but I shall see and have a regular Pesach cake for the
non-diabetics to enjoy.
For sedarim I have no problem as I do lots of roasted vegetables with
olive oil and balsamic vinegar sprinkled on when done. We have lots of
fresh berries for dessert along with the macaroons,, etc, which I can
largely skip.
My breakfasts are easy as I just continue to eat my cottage cheese, fruit
and yougurt breakfast most days and I use the fancy, carby dishes like
fried matzo or the aforementioned pancakes, as lunch or dinner.
I once had a lovely recipe for meringues that I got from Jennifer, bu tit
got lost during a change of computers and loss of recipe files. It used
splenda andworked well, but , for me would not work as a Pesach sweet.
If any of you (or Jennifer) has that recipe, I would love to see it posted
so I could make it once again.