Oolongs from Phoenix Mountain in Guangdong are world famous.
On Mar 26, 9:30*am, "sjschen" > wrote:
> On Mar 25, 6:04 pm, "magicleaf" > wrote:
> > I tried an amazing tea today called Phoenix supreme,picked up this at
> > tea shop in london called the tea Smith, an oolong from china.
....hatchet job...
> I did several searchs using "鳳凰烏龍" ('chinese phoenix' oolong ) *to try
> and find something, but the results were rather varied and spotty.
> There are producers from different provinces producing oolong *and
> marketing their tea under this name. The leaves are either rolled into
> strips or balls and the tea leaves in the picture have similar brown
> black colours.
> Since this is not a 'terrior' associated name, either this tea is made
> using a specific processing method or it's a marketing name. I side
> towards the latter.