"strawberry_shortcake" > wrote in message
>I have heard of and recently found recipes to bake cake in a jar (canning
> jar) I had no experience with this, and I am wondering just how does one
> eat the cake? Do you eat it right out of the jar or what?
> Thanks for any info.
The USDA does not recommend keeping this for very long. You might want to
put all kinda dry ingredients in a jar for them to bake up - brownies might
be better.
Below is from our rec.food.preserving FAQ:
A.2.9 Canning Cake and Quick Breads - Don't Do It!
Canned breads and cakes are not recommended for home cooks or canning;
choose cake or bread recipes that you can freeze. Many cake and quick bread
recipes contain very little or no acid and thus have the potential for
supporting the growth of hazardous bacteria, such as Clostridium botulinum,
if they are present inside the closed jar. C. botulinum causes an often
fatal food borne illness, called botulism. Given that many of these bread
and cake recipes have been shown to be low in acid, the major barriers to
prevent microbial growth are limited to: (1) the dryness of the product and
(2) the lack of oxygen inside the closed jar (because of vacuum seals).
Recipe variations such as the addition of fruit, zucchini, liquids, etc. all
contribute to available water for microorganisms to use. In addition, lack
of oxygen alone does not prevent the growth of all harmful bacteria. The
vacuum seals do not remove all oxygen, so some would still be available to
the bacteria which do need it.
Source: Cooperative Extension Service, The University Of Georgia College of
Family and Consumer Sciences and the College of Aquiculture and
Environmental Sciences Cooperating