Knife Sharpness
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Jarmo Louet
Posts: n/a
Knife Sharpness
On 07 May 2004 20:06:14 GMT,
(Sheellah) wrote:
>I see people showing a knife's sharpness on TV by slicing a piece of paper with
>it. I just tried that with a fresh from the store, fresh out of it's protective
>sheath, Wusthof Grand Prix chef's knife and no go. Not even close. This is a
>great quality knife so shouldn't it come that sharp fresh from the factory? I
>assume they would sell a knife that had been finished to it's full potential.
Unfortunately, no. I bought myself a Wüsthof Classic cook's knife a
few months ago and had a similar experience. It's a very decent knife
and well made otherwise, but the final sharpening was probably done by
some tourist taking a tour of the factory.
But it's no big deal. Just introduce the knife to your collection of
sharpening stones and let them get properly acquainted. Forget "good
as new", you can do much better yourself!
(In case you don't have a sharpening stone: get one and look for a few
sharpening FAQs on the net. Sharpening is fun and you'll be much
happier with all your knives.)
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