Do you eat the fat?
aem wrote:
> On Mar 16, 8:02 am, "rosie" > wrote:
>> [snip] The salt is bad too but it makes things taste good. I try to not
>> salt my food, and occasionally give myself a little treat, and have
>> have some.
> Why do people keep saying this? Salt is not bad for most people.
> Reducing salt intake is recommended for those people who already have
> high blood pressure.
Addendum: people with high blood pressure affected by salt; lots of people
with HBP can eat all the salt they want without increasing their pressure.
> It is not recommended for anyone else. All this
> bland food being unnecessarily eaten by people who think they are
> eating "healthy" makes me shudder. -aem
And then there's the 8-glasses-of-water thing, but coffee, tea and soft
drinks don't count as water and they never actually defined the quantity
known as "glass".
BTW, meat fat of any kind (except really crisp bacon) is disgusting.
"Nothing in the universe can withstand the relentless application
of brute force and ignorance." -- Frd, via Dennis (evil)