Sheellah wrote:
> I see people showing a knife's sharpness on TV by slicing a piece of paper with
> it. I just tried that with a fresh from the store, fresh out of it's protective
> sheath, Wusthof Grand Prix chef's knife and no go. Not even close. This is a
> great quality knife so shouldn't it come that sharp fresh from the factory? I
> assume they would sell a knife that had been finished to it's full potential.
> No?
Of all the knives I have purchased new only Chef'sChoice was shaving
sharp and many, like your Wusthof, would not cut paper. Learn to
sharpen them yourself. The rewards are great.
Sharpening Made Easy: A Primer on Sharpening Knives and Other Edged
Tools by Steve Bottorff Copyright January 2002 Knife World Publications
E-mail: steve AT sharpeningmadeeasy DOT com