jmcquown wrote:
> I guess you meant like a tupperware container? Or maybe a bowl?
Sure. What else would you store food in in the fridge? <still puzzled>
BTW, it was Blinky's question, not mine
> In which case yes, I'd reheat some items and eat directly from it rather than from a
> plate. I live alone but even when I didn't yes, I'd do that. No sense
> dirtying another plate or bowl when I can eat right out of the bowl it was
> stored in.
Do you still put your bowls (or whatever) back in the fridge once you've
eaten from them if you've still got something left in them, I mean? I
don't. If I think there is more than I can eat at one go then I
spoon/take out whatever I want and put it in another bowl and put the
original container back in the fridge.... but that's just me.
Chatty Cathy