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Default Mr Ice Tea any good?

My wife got one. Someone at work got her on the kick that tea made in
the sun had bacteria. I tried dissuation on the issue of whether the
tea was covered or not to no avail. Anyway the one we have works fine.
The recommendation it had of using 5-7 teabags seems on the high side
but 4-5 makes tea to my liking. It is very good on making iced tea
ready to drink in just a couple of minutes. I would agree that its
just another thing to put on the shelf and you could just brew the tea
and pour it into ice in a pitcher.

On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 11:15:13 -0500, wrote:

>I want to start making my own tea cause all the stuff you buy pre-made
>is doctored up with high fructose corn syrup and such.
>Does anyone have a Mr Coffee Ice Tea maker?
>If yes does it work well?
>Or can i just get a god stainless steel tea pot and make it that way
>just as easy?