jmcquown wrote on Sun, 1 Apr 2007 09:09:13 -0500:
j> Nancy Young wrote:
??>> "The Cook" > wrote
??>>> Last year there was a discussion about the Ugly (Ugli)
??>>> Tomato. I just ran across this in one of my seed
??>>> catalogs.
??>>> Unfortunately I did not see it earlier when I ordered but
??>>> plan to put it on my list for next season.
??>> Oh! I wish I could find plants. Maybe they will have
??>> them in the nurseries this year.
??>> nancy (fingers crossed)
I may have missed some earlier stuff in this thread but are Ugly
tomatoes the same as "heirloom" tomatoes? Store-bought heirlooms
may taste good but they certainly look like the genetic
engineering had gone seriously wrong :-) I've been eating
tomatoes for longer than I care to admit but I don't ever
remember those peculiar shapes and colors when I was a child and
my grandfather never grew anything like them.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: