Thread: Ugly Tomatoes
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James Silverton[_1_] James Silverton[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 714
Default Ugly Tomatoes

Nancy wrote on Sun, 1 Apr 2007 14:06:18 -0400:

??>> I may have missed some earlier stuff in this thread but
??>> are Ugly tomatoes the same as "heirloom" tomatoes?
??>> Store-bought heirlooms may taste good but they certainly
??>> look like the genetic engineering had gone seriously wrong
??>> :-) I've been eating tomatoes for longer than I care to
??>> admit but I don't ever remember those peculiar shapes and
??>> colors when I was a child and my grandfather never grew
??>> anything like them.

NY> Here's a little history:


Thanks! It's fascinating how people stubbornly persisted in
passing down these varieties in their families!

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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