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Lance Orner
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Default Mr Ice Tea any good?

On 2004-06-02, > wrote:
> Does anyone have a Mr Coffee Ice Tea maker?
> If yes does it work well?
> Or can i just get a god stainless steel tea pot and make it that way
> just as easy?

Is one necessary, no.

For the last several years I've made my summer iced tea by heating
water on the stove, placing it in a pyrex cup to steap, then placing
it a pitcher with ice to go in the fridge. Gads, iced tea _must_ be
boiled to make a good tea -- sun tea and pure refidgerator tea are
just awful.

However, a couple of months ago I went ahead and bought Mr. Coffee's
latest version of the iced tea maker at Target for $17 (they have
changed recently). There is something to be said about loading it up,
pressing the button, and comming back to good brewed tea on your
coutertop. The new model doesn't require you to "drain" the basket
like the older ones did, and you can adjust the flow rate out of the
brewing basket for stronger or weaker tea. Each batch is consistent,
unlike doing it by hand where the taste may vary by how long it

Can you make good tea by hand? Sure. But when I go through as much
tea as I drink durring the summer, it's a handy gadget to have around
for $17.
