tofu kielbasa
On Apr 1, 1:22 pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> "pinon.verde" wrote:
> > Is it so terrible that there are now some more varied options out
> > there for people who, for whatever reason, do not eat meat?
> It's not the options we object to. It's the people.
> People who become vegetarians (except for religious
> reasons) are invariably doing so to reinforce their
> "superior" attitude toward meat-eaters and people
> who drive SUVs. They make unfair generalizations
> about us, such as calling us "planet-destroying
> baby killers". Naturally, we resent this, so when
> you wander into one of our hangouts, you should expect
> to be treated roughly. Hope this helps! :-)
Wow. Impressive.
What I actually said focused on two pretty simple points:
1. Tofurkey doesn't contain meat parts.
2. Since most tofu or tofurkey products are labeled, you can avoid
tofu if you want to. Probably, no one is trying to sneak tofu into
your food against your will.
I didn't express, nor do I agree with, any of the judgmental attitudes
you attributed to vegetarians. of us, in fact, did make
sweeping and unfair generalizations....but it wasn't me.
I did enjoy your post, though. I haven't been warned away from
somebody's "hangout" so eloquently since I was six.