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Alan Hope Alan Hope is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 15
Default Festschrift for Bob Pastorio

I don't much hold with the idea of mourning the dead. Those who were
no good, and we can all fill in the names, we're only too glad to see
the back of. Those who enriched us with their visit have left behind
so much more than they've taken away.

Bob Pastorio's last days were relayed to us in a blog maintained by
Carol, his wife and like him, a former denizen of misc.writing. It
seems only appropriate to carry on in the same vein.

So I've taken the liberty of creating a blog on Blogger:
which I'd like to open up to anyone from the many and various
newsgroups he frequented, who has anything to post in memoriam of
Pastorio. I've started the ball rolling with one of his archived posts
of a recycled article which caught my imagination at the time and
seems to have stayed with me since.

Anyone with a Blogger account who wishes to post, email me and I'll
invite you. For the others, there's an email address you can use to
make a blog post in a simple email message. Contact me likewise and
I'll give you that address, no questions asked.

I'm placing no pre-conditions on the type of posts you can make. Each
to his own. It's how he would have wanted it.

If you know of anyone who might be interested who isn't covered by
this post, let them know.

The blog, incidentally, brings no return to me or to anyone else.

Alan Hope