On Apr 1, 10:35 pm, "Ankit Lochan" > wrote:
> Do not crush your fine tea - its utter wastage of fine tea through
> incompetent manipulation!
Matcha producers must be nuts! :-D
On Apr 1, 10:35 pm, "Ankit Lochan" > wrote:
> Darjeeling produces 11.5 million kilos of tea - Approx. - 1.2% of the
> total tea production of India.
> 89 gardens in total produce darjeeling tea.
> If you want a stronger darjeeling instead of crushing the nice Whole
> Leaf grade buy the broken or fanings grade - these are available at
> 1/3 the price of the whole leaf tea and will give you a nice strong
> cup.
> Do not crush your fine tea - its utter wastage of fine tea through
> incompetent manipulation!
> If you really wanna get the best darjeeling from any vendor ask him if
> he is selling a certified darjeeling.
> The tea board of India issue a licence alongwith a number and inspects
> all teas that the vendor buys from the country. These Darjeelings are
> orignal - of the best quality called Certified Darjeelings.
> www.lotusteahouse.com----- is one of the vendors who has this
> license in the USA.
> Have a nice day!
> Ankit Lochanwww.lochantea.comwww.doketea.com