On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 00:30:38 -0400
Mark Lipton > wrote:
> Dee Dee wrote:
> > On Apr 1, 12:55 am, Mark Lipton > wrote:
> >
> >>Dee Dee wrote:
> >>
> >>>There was another bottle of CF Cabernet Bourgeille Breton 2005 for $25
> >>>which he didn't buy.
> >>
> >>That's too bad. Catherine and Pierre Breton's Bourgueil is a fantastic
> >>example of Cab Franc from the Loire. Alas, I can't tell you anything
> >>useful about the producer you did get.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > I would have liked to buy the $25 bottle, but alas I was not with him.
> > What I don't quite understand: when I described the $25 bottle, I
> > read it as you understood it was Catherine and Pierre Breton's
> > Bourgueil http://www.louisdressner.com/Breton/
> > Is there only ONE Breton? If I understand correctly, there is more
> > than one Bourgueils, but only ONE Bourgueil Breton, which is Catherine
> > and Pierre, right?
> Just to be clear here, Bourgueil is the region that the wine comes from,
> and C&P Breton are the winemakers. There might be another Breton making
> wine in Bourgueil, but AFAIK no other Breton's wines aren't being
> imported to the US.
The plot thickens, because another name for Cabernet Franc is....
(drum roll please) ... Breton! I believe Pierre Breton makes a Chinon,
I know the name Gasnier but can't recall tasting his wines. Cravant is
however a very fine terroir for Chinon.
Thanks for the link Dee. I would have sworn that Chinon is required to be
100% CF, but apparently it is not so. Always something to learn on AFW.
What happened to the trip, Mark? No time to make it over? I must say,
it's not easy to do in one day...
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