Update on coffee for dummies
Thanks for everyone's help.
My friend uses Folger's canned coffee in a drip coffee maker with paper
filters. She says her coffee is "good", but knows of a few places where the
coffee is "really good" and one place where it is "heavenly." When asked, she
responds that they buy "better coffee".
My friend is coming over tonight. Yesterday I went on a little road trip to
a nearby town and bought some gourmet Columbian coffee beans that came out of
the roaster on Tuesday afternoon. Today I bought a cheapo blade grinder, metal
mesh filter, and a Mr Coffee maker. I will use some cold filtered water to
make a pot tonight.
I am pretty sure she will appreciate my efforts. We can always run to the
store for a can of Folgers if it doesn't turn out well.
I have already had fun with this, and it can only get better, trying to
produce the elusive "heavenly" cup of coffee.