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Phred Phred is offline
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Default Sesame oil [Was: Stir fry for dinner tonight]

In article >, ravenlynne > wrote:
>Dave Smith wrote:
>> ravenlynne wrote:
>>> I'm making a seat-of-my-pants stir fry tonight. It's got pre-cut up
>>> sirloin for stir fry, red onion, carrots, celery and zuchinni. I coated
>>> the meat in salt, pepper, ginger and garlic and am stir frying in sesame
>>> oil. The sauce I made to go over it is 1 can of beef stock, 3
>>> tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, more ginger, 3 cloves
>>> garlic minced, pepper and a bit of oyster sauce. Serving over rice.

>> Aren't all stir fries seat of the pants meals, the only strict rule being
>> hardest to softest... hard vegetables for in first and softer veggies are
>> added later.
>> Sesame oil? Careful with that stuff. It is more of a flavour additive
>> that a cooking oil. It is harder to digest than other oils. I never use
>> more than 1 tsp. usually as a marinade. I use peanut or vegetable oil for
>> cooking.

>By harder to digest, what do you mean?
>I just used a bit. It was just the right amount for flavor. I love how
>that stuff smells. It ranks at a tie for #1 with gardenias and coffee.

ISTR reading somewhere (probably in RFC :-) that *cooking* with sesame
oil is a bit of a waste and it's best to simply add it near the end of
the process so you don't lose too much of the flavour. Comments?

Cheers, Phred.
