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Blanche Nonken
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Default coffee for dummies

(John Hendrickson) wrote:

> Let me start off with - I don't drink coffee... Well, I've had
> maybe a dozen cups in a 48 year lifetime. I have a special friend
> that HAS to have coffee. I would like to make good coffee for
> her, but I don't know how.
> What kind of coffee should I buy?
> What kind of coffee maker should I get? What features are
> worthwhile to make better coffee?
> Should I get a coffee grinder? Does coffee get stale? Is fresh
> ground coffee better?

Consider picking up a copy of Kenneth David's "Coffee." It's got a heck
of a lot of basic information about coffee, in a very readable and
enjoyable style. Then when you're done with that, grab a copy of "The
Devil's Cup." I'm sorry, I don't recall the author - but I *loved* it.
Hysterical "other" side of the history of coffee. :-)