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Woodard R. Springstube
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Default Update on coffee for dummies

"Fred" > wrote in

> "Petey the Wonder Dog" > wrote in
> message ...
>> Far as I can tell, someone wrote:
>> > I am pretty sure she will appreciate my efforts. We
>> > can always run to

> the
>> >store for a can of Folgers if it doesn't turn out well.

>> Folgers is NOT an option. Please remember that.
>> If the fresh roast you got isn't quite right, try
>> adjusting the amount of grounds you use.
>> Starbucks is way over-priced and over roasted.

> What's the purpose of over roasting? I've always wondered
> why Starbucks coffee was so bad. I always thought that at
> those prices, they could serve something really good but
> they don't. What motivates this? It isn't economics is
> it?
> Fred
> The Good Gourmet

Starbucks is over-roasted (i.e., burnt) coffee warehouse floor
sweepings. Folgers is cheap garbage that is too acid and
bitter as gall.

My personal preference is CC's Crescent City Blend or
Plantation Blend. Both are excellent. Also, they sell a bulk
blend in our local Randall's that is called Texas Star. It is
also good. On the other hand, I don't like their Napoleon
Blend which is a lighter roast. The Crescent City and
Plantation Blends are what they call "Medium Dark", while the
Napoleon is "Medium Light". If you want a darker roast than
Crescent City or Plantation, try their Evangeline Blend. I
have not tried their Louisiana Blend or several of their other
products. I have used, and like, their Kenya AA.