Lady Jane the Lard - Arse...(WAS:: I am now an official recipe
Gregory Morrow wrote:
> PeterLucas wrote:
>> "cybercat" > wrote in :
>>> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
>>>> LadyJane babbles:
>>>>> On the whole the recipe
>>>> *What* recipe? You didn't quote you have one hand up your
>>>> uterus or
>>>> something whilt posting? Pay attention, Lady Lard - Arse...
>>>> --
>>> What a ****ing asshole you are. My God, you limp-dicked lousy excuse
>>> for a man. Do you HEAR yourself? You sound like a spiteful little
>>> underendowed 6th grader. Ugh.
>> He could always claim that he was being affected by the full moon......
>> but that doesn't cut it for the rest of the month when he continues his
>> present trend.
> I'm feeling in a "flamacious" mood today...
> Actually I'm very fond of Lady Jane...her every post reeks, drips and exudes
> S - E - X ...
> For xmas she sent me a copy of _The Kama Sutra_, she inscribed it to me
> thusly:
> "Dearest Greggie: hoping you can visit Oz sometime for a bit of slap -
> and - tickle...signed your loving Lady Jane aka "Lover
> Lips...xoxoxoxoxo...".
So, have you always done drugs?
God got a virgin pregnant by magic; God doesn't play by the rules.
-Izzy, Grey's Anatomy