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Ravenlynne Ravenlynne is offline
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Default Morrow the Moron...(WAS:: I am now an official recipe tester!

PeterLucas wrote:
> ravenlynne > wrote in
> :
>> PeterLucas wrote:
>>> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
>>>> Pennyaline wrote:
>>>>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>>>>> LadyJane babbles:
>>>>>>> On the whole the recipe
>>>>>> *What* recipe? You didn't quote you have one hand up your
>>>> uterus or
>>>>>> something whilt posting? Pay attention, Lady Lard - Arse...
>>>>> The assumption was probably that one would have seen the recipe
>>>>> link just one itsy post prior to hers.
>>>>> <sorry you missed it>
>>>> I'm just givin' Lady Jane "the business"...she is quite the lusty
>>>> wench and in fact has told me that if I ever get down her Antipodean
>>>> way that she would allow me to paddle her backside *real*
>>>> hard...<vbg/>
>>> [Read] I'm trying to tapdance my way out of this monumental screwup
>>> that I've made.

>> ding ding ding!

> LOL!!!
> How's Italy going?
> Learnt to speaka da language yet?

No unfortunately, although I do intend to try.

God got a virgin pregnant by magic; God doesn't play by the rules.

-Izzy, Grey's Anatomy