Morrow the Moron...(WAS:: I am now an official recipe tester! :-)
Vilco > wrote:
>ravenlynne wrote:
>>> How's Italy going?
>>> Learnt to speaka da language yet?
>> No unfortunately, although I do intend to try.
>Have you had some traditional breakfasta, as with "cornetti alla crema" and
>cappuccino? Or baba'? I'd give my right leg for a dish of pastry from
>Naples, now.
Was there in Feb, things like the cornetta (crossainte) with
hazelnut goo were exceptional.
There was one good Naples restaurant I'd truly recommend --
Sabarino on the Riviera di Chiaia. They had perfect
pizzas and calzones, decent antipasti (although these
do cost more), decent house wine and they will make
any pizza or pasta dish you want, including ripieni
(stuffed pizza).
Also the vegan place off via tribunale is well worth it.
email me or ask me here and I will give more exact information.