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Default Which Factory is this from ?

On Apr 4, 10:52 pm, "Mal from Oz" > wrote:
> Still new to this... 90's ZhongCha Yellow Stamp 7571, if I read this
> correctly the tea came from the Kunming factory (ie factory code '1').
> However another source says that the Zhongcha brand is owned by Tea Import &
> Export Co since 2004. But was registered to Menghai from 1951 to 2004
> Can someone please clarify?
> --
> Cheers
> Mal
> Oz

Which part of the 90s?

" Kunming was not a main tea producing region in Yunnan, Kunming
Tea Factory had to purchase its maocha from other regions in Yunnan.
These days there are many small factories in Yunnan have their own
production machines to produced their own pu'er teas, as such it was
not necessary any longer for the maocha to be sent to Kunming Tea
Factory for cake-pressing - in fact there are privately owned small
factories in Kunming which are buying maocha from Kunming Tea
Factory. With this and other economic reasons, Kunming Tea Factory
was rented out from 1994 onwards to other small factories' use, and
its former employees left to begin their own little tea businesses.
The factory still stands today in Kunming, but it has nothing to do
with tea production anymore..." Mr Di Jianxing, Introduction to Tea
Regions & the factories, Chapter 7.

The above is a rough translation of the article, but it gives you an
idea what happened to Kunming Tea Factory.

I have also always thought the coloured labels a thing more associated
with Menghai Tea Factory and between the periods, the CNNP, not sure
that it has anything to do with Kunming Tea Factory.
