help needed
Hi Paul,
you wrote: I have known Ray for years but occasionally we
still disagree on some things.
If you have already racked the wine off the gross
lees, I would leave on on the fine lees. It can
improve mouthfeel. The French have a saying "The
lees feed the wine", or something like that.
Ok, so i understand both sides.....leaving some lees around build
taste and character....are you of the view then that my wine just
needs time to finish off properly before properly? Certainly it makes
life easier in not having to rack once again, although I do not mind
Also let me throw out something November when we
last racked the merlot and cab sav, for instance, tastes not so fact it tasted pretty it noormal for the wine
to go from sweet tasting to close to normal wine tasting and *then*
have the yeast taste grow so very powerful before it comes back to
being drinkable?
Thank you so much to both of you for your is greatly
appreciated - AL