In article >,
ravenlynne > wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article >,
> > ravenlynne > wrote:
> >
> >> I made a large strawberry and amaretto trifle to feed a LOT of people
> >> for a potluck. (It will feed like 30 people, it was to be a 100 person
> >> deal) DH just called and it's cancelled.
> >>
> >> We're going to be eating trifle for days now.
> >
> > Well, PHOOEY! Have you ever used cointreau or grand marnier instead of
> > amaretto with the strawberries? That'd be good.
> I'm sure they would. However, my son shredded my alcohol ration card so
> I am limited to buying things that are 33% alcohol or less. And what's
> wrong with Amaretto?
Amaretto is my favorite liqueur; there is nothing wrong with it. Orange
is also a nice complement to strawberries.
(And, lest you misunderstood, the phooey was for the cancellation of the
event, nothing more.)
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - Comfort Food for Bob Pastorio, updated
3-16-2007 - blahblahblog - Orange Honey
Garlic Chicken, 3-29-2007