ravenlynne wrote:
> > Hold on a sec..... It is a pot luck and you are expected to prepare enough
> > for 30????? I thought the idea of pot luck was that everyone tool enough
> > to feed themselves and pooled the efforts. If 30 people each took enough
> > for 30 there would be enough food for 900. That is a lot of leftovers, or
> > is it one of those deals where a small core of people work their asses off
> > and most of the rest get a freebie.
> Pretty much. The wives of the few that are married get stuck. Such is
> life.
That sucks. Please tell me that you will take a pass on the next "pot luck"
or at least explain the meaning of the term to people.
I am reminded of brunch parties we used to have. Each couple would bring a
contribution to the meal and a single friend brought guests.