Recipe for Chines hot and sour soup
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Isaac Wingfield
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Recipe for Chines hot and sour soup
In article >,
(John) wrote:
> "Chikako Hidaka" > wrote in message
> >...
> > Dear all,
> >
> > Maybe an old and well talked-about matter on this newsgroup, I nedd the
> > best
> > of it.
> >
> >
> > Hideto Hidaka
> Here is my recipe for hot and sour. I learned it from the lady who
> runs the oriental market (Makes enough for four).
> 2 cans chicken broth
> 1 large egg
> pinch of salt
> 1 brick tofu
> 1/4 cup shredded bamboo shoots
> 1/4 straw mushrooms
> 1/4 t dry ginger
> 1/2 t garlic
> 1/4 cup minced pork
> 2 T rice wine vinegar
> 2 t crushed red pepper flakes (adjust to taste)
> 2 t oil
> 2T Corn Starch
> 2T Water
> Add 2t oil to hot wok. Add pork and garlic. Cook until done. Add
> the broth. Heat until boiling. While waiting for the broth to boil,
> mix the egg and salt in a bowl until well beaten. With the broth
> boiling, slowly drizzle the egg into the boiling broth. DO NOT STIR.
> Reduce the broth to a simmer and add the rest of the ingredents except
> corn starch and water.
> Mix corn starh and water together and add to soup to thicken. Serve
> hot.
In some recipes (ones that I prefer) the "hot" comes not from red
pepper, but from white pepper (which is ordinary black peppercorns with
the skin removed). I suspect that the white pepper version is "more
authentic", considering that piper niger was available in the orient for
a long time before capsicum peppers were imported from the new world.
Many recipes also add dried tiger lily blossoms. Yum.
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