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Default Wine List from a local restaurant

In article .com>,
>On Apr 8, 6:24 am, miles > wrote:
>> Dee Dee wrote:
>> > What is so exciting is that the owner lists the exact wines, the cost
>> > per bottle and per glass. Unbelieveable!
>> >
>> At least in the USA it is unusual for a fine dining restaurant to show
>> menu prices let alone wine prices on their website.
>> Here is one of my favorite restaurants and they too have their wines and
>> prices listed.

>Wow, I like the menu, I just wish it was in England! I also took a
>look at the wine list, can you explain why Californian wine is so
>expensive in the USA?


In the US, it depends solely on the wine and the restaurant. As has been
mentioned, US restaurants range from +100% to 400% markup over their wholesale
prices. There are many CA wines here, that are not at all expensive. Also, in
US, the restauranteur has to pay inventory taxes on their cellar, pay to
maintain, cool, etc. their cellar, and hope to get some sort of return on that
investment, for both the general overhead and the personnel to manage it. Some
"smarter" restauranteurs are starting to cut these markups, and are selling
more wine, and, in most cases, making more money in the long run. Too many
studies, have indicated higher profits, when more wine is moved, though some
still adhere to obscene markups, thus selling less wine.

Now, I have to comment that in the UK, most US wine, that I have encountered
is of a much lower level (remember, wineries such as Mondavi, have several
labels and levels of wine) and at horribly inflated prices, especially London.
The wines from France are usually a bit lower, than we pay in the US, even
given the exchange rate, and the wines of OZ are definitely lower, even in
London. I do not know if there are extra import tariffs imposed on US wines,
but I would not pay those prices, and for the most part, the examples that I
have encountered (even in starred restaurants) would not be consumed by me, at
any price. Trust me, we have many, much better wines, than you will most
commonly see in the UK.

It is understandable why much of Europe (and the UK especially) has such a low
impression of US wines. Maybe someone can shed some light on the importation
to Europe/UK, of US wines, and why they are so horribly expensive there. To
see Mondavi Coastal Cab for £110 (Savoy House), when it is a poor example and
about US$9. OTOH, I get to drink some great white Burgs and just pretend that
the £'s are $'s. In the US, anything FR is usually priced much higher, and
it's not a tariff issue, but because of the "aura" of the wines.
