Thread: FoodSaver
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Jack Schidt®
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Default FoodSaver

"Richard's ~JA~" > wrote in message
> Part of what Steve wrote....
> >What they don't tell you on all the
> >informercials, is that some food needs to be
> >frozen beforehand, so that the liquid/moisture
> >in the food doesn't get inhaled into the
> >machine.

> Excellent tip, Steve. I just got my Food Saver and was sealing single
> portion size packages of a rather moist, lemon chicken and rice
> casserole I make that usually ends up with the last serving of two
> thrown out. As I began the airless seal process (which does waste over
> an inch of each bag) on the first of five soon to be bags. I
> immediately saw the liquid being "sucked" upward, so I unplugged the
> machine to stop the process before too late. It did not occur to me to
> freeze "wet" things before using that sucker, but it sure will now,
> thanks to you.
> Picky ~JA~

I steamed and milled a lotta tomatoes into sauce, froze them in shallow
plastic containers overnight and then sealed the 'cubes'.

Jack Tiliariffic