Proof of LORD Almighty GOD: Pastorio died on April Fool's day and the diabetic demons are very angry.
St. Jockofgrapes > wrote:
>"Phÿltêr" > wrote in message
. ..
>>>> "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" > wrote in message
>>>>> friend George wrote:
>>>>>> "Genus"?
>>>>> No.
>>>>> Demons (satan's sockpuppets) are infinitely less than a subspecies.
>>>>> May GOD bless you.
>>>>> Prayerfully in Jesus' ever-lasting love,
>>>>> Andrew <><
>>>>> --
>>>>> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
>>>> Don't do me any favors. Just the thought of someone believing in some
>>>> sky pixie (other than the God Tinkerbelle) makes me PUKE!
>>>> I wasn't responding to you, anyway.
>>>> Ordained Minister-Universal Life Church <== by whom!
>>>> AFJC Photo Archivist <== smut folder
>>>> DOD#144,000 (the LAST one in) <== I doubt you'll ever
>>>> get in!
>>>> "AFJC...We Care" <== about me,
>>>> mtsel, and Ionly
>>> Unbelief and Its Consequences
>> Many lines of cut & paste drivel snipped...
>> There won't be any consequences. Your god is as inconsequential as Zeus
>> or Odin (to name but two).
> Phÿltêr - (PHAP) aka "She's So Fat ..." I see U got outta jail for that
> impersonation in the park a week ago, huh. (-:
> UR still looking fer meaning urine life?
Wow, a urine lame. How profound.
> The Search for Meaning
> One might well ask what those pursuits are that bridge the existential and
> the rigorously intellectual? At the center of life lie four questions of
> meaning, morality, and destiny. How did I come to be? What brings life
Oh lookie, a screedmonkey. Haven't seen one of these for, say, 3 hours.
[screed dumped]
Supreme Leader of the Brainwashed Followers of Art Deco
"Still suffering from reading comprehension problems, Deco?
The section is clearly attributed to Art Deco, not to you, Deco."
-- Dr. David Tholen
"Who is "David Tholen", Daedalus? Still suffering from
attribution problems?"
-- Dr. David Tholen