Graham cracker crust
"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2007 13:31:54 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
> rummaged among random neurons and opined:
> <snip>
>>Seems like anyone can make, say, a chocolate cream pie
>>with graham cracker crust and they don't have any problem.
>>I just suck at baking, I think.
> I've always claimed to suck at baking. My pies taste great, but the
> crust always looks like it had been made in the dark. Ditto my graham
> cracker crusts - you have to pretty much chip them out of the pie pan.
Heh heh, but they taste so good, you do make effort. It would
just be nice if I could put a whole piece of pie on a plate, intact.
> The one time I tried spraying the pie pan with Pam, I couldn't get the
> graham cracker mixture to stick. Talk about a lose/lose.
Yeah, I can see that. Maybe I should go aluminum instead of glass.
Or just quit making pies.