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Warren Okuma
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Default best historical reciepe

"Jeff Berry" > wrote in message
> > So what is your favorite historical recipe that you tried?

> There are a number that get made over and over for various feasts
> and events, and a few that actually make it onto my home table with
> some regularity.
> The one that shows up the most often is probably, "To Stew a Rump
> of Beef" from Digbie.
> (the whole article is at
> From Kenelme Digbie
> "Take a rump of Beef, break all the bones; season it with Pepper and Salt

> your liking; Take three or four Nutmegs, and a
> quantity of Mace, beat them grossly; Then take a bunch of very good sweet
> herbs, and good Onion cut in quarters. or
> Garlicke, as you like it. Put in half a pint of White-wine Vinegar, and

> Pint of good Claret, one handful of Sugar; and a
> piece or two of beef Suet or Butter: shred some Cabbage under and over,

> scrape in a pound of good old Cheese. Put all
> these into an earthen pot, and let it stand in an oven with brown-bread
> four or five hours; but let the pot be covered close
> with paste."
> To Stew a Rump of Beef, after Kenelme Digbie
> a three pound boneless rump roast 1/2 pint of red wine (or more)
> a head of green cabbage 1/4 pint of white vinegar (or

> salt 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp nutmeg
> pepper 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp mace
> 1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp each of basil a bay leaf
> rosemary 1/8 to 1/4 cup sugar
> savory 1/2 pound cheddar cheese
> thyme a clove or two of garlic
> mint a couple of Tb of butter
> marjoram
> Shredd the cabbage a bit with a knife and put half of it in the pot.

> the roast liberally on all sides with salt and
> pepper and put it on the cabbage. Combine the wine and vinegar and the

> nutmeg, garlic, sugar and herbs (adjust them
> to your own taste). Pour over the roast. If the liquid doesn't come up

maybe a
> quarter of the way or more on the roast, add
> more wine and vinegar in the same ratio.
> Dab the butter on top. Grate the cheddar cheese on and around the roast.
> Add the rest of the cabbage.
> Make a paste out of flour and either water, egg or both. Seal the lid of

> pot with this paste. Cook at 350 F for at least
> four hours. Longer won't hurt it.
> When it comes out it should be fork tender and with a nice mellow flavor.

That sound pretty good. Thanks.