"Virginia Tadrzynski" wrote:
> "Ken Knecht" wrote:
> > What beans go well with ham hocks? I'm getting tired of the northern beans
> > I normally use. I'd like something with a little different milder taste
> > for
> > a change.
> A true Suth'ner would say pintos.
A true Suth'ner would say blackeyed peas.
Pinto beans are a staple in Latino cooking.
Assuming the OP means *smoked* ham hocks... all beans benefit from
smoked ham hocks but I think great northern, pea, navy, and similar
white beans go best with ham hocks.., not sure what the OP mens by
beans with a milder taste, I think white beans have the mildest
flavor, certainly much more subdued than limas and kidneys... perhaps
by milder the OP means more boring... perhaps what the OP needs is a
better selection of bean recipes... and an inclination for more
adventurous cooking.
Smoked ham hocks w/great northerns and collards to die for: