Mid-week survey on the RFC site: Okra...
Sheldon wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
>> Your loss dear. They are delightful lightly steamed and served as a side
>> dish. Just don't remove the caps until eating. Butter and lemon pepper,
>> or even a light coating of italian dressing.
> Anyone who has eaten Campbell's vegetable soups has eaten okra... most
> of the okra I grow gets sliced and frozen, then in winter it's used in
> soups/stews, especially in clam chowder. I also like okra raw in
> salads, and pickled. Fresh picked young okra is not slimey, it's
> those big old already rotting brownish pods found in the produce dept.
> that are slimey, and tasteless
> Sheldon
I know this isn't a gardening NG but anyway. I guess from all you've
written in this thread that okra grows well for you in NY. Since we're
roughly in the same area, any growing hints for it here? I tried to grow
it in CA but where we were, believe it or not, it was just too hot and
dry and it never did well for me. I would have thought it too cold here
in NY. DO you start them indoors? Any variety you prefer for the NE?