Best way to stop fermentation for a sweet wine
"Just some clarifications - geraniol smell only develops if a sorbated
wine goes through a malolactic fermentation, that should not be an
issue if the wine is properly sulfited. As I recall the article with
the table, one major assumption was that the yeast population is low,
and that's not the case for an active fermentation.
For the past 2 years, I've been making off-dry and sweet wines using
this method and as Steve pointed out, it's way harder than fermenting
to dryness and then back-sweetening. The method I've been using is to
use the cold outside temperatures to stop the active ferment, wait
until most of the yeast drops down, then rack and sulfite and fine at
the same time with bentonite and Sparkalloid, keeping the wine as cool
as possible all the time. Finally, I filter and add the preservative -
sorbate last year and benzoate this year. After all this, I'm finding
that when I bring the wine back to room temperature, there is still
some yeast activity. Last year I dealt with it by re-filtering but the
wine is lacking in aroma, so I'll probably just add some sorbate this
year again - so after all the trouble, I'm basically at square one. I
think I'll go back to back-sweetening next year.
Lastly, 1.050 seems awfully high for a white Zinfandel, that's more
residual sugar than most dessert wines have! Your alcohol levels will
be low and because of that the wine will be in more danger of
spoilage. If you really want it that sweet, I'd highly recommend
fermenting to get at least 10-12% of alcohol and then adding sugar or
sugar syrup.
Thanks good to hear from someone who's tried this. Yea My SG is 1.005 sorry
for the mixup. I tasted some when racking yesterday and really liked the
level of sweetness. What size of filter are you using? I've read that I
have to use a #2 and then a #1 (.5 microns?) so it doesn't plug up but like
you said I think it could strip out too much flavor.