Andy B. wrote:
> Anyhow, I decided to get a BGE and while I'm waiting for it to
> arrive, I've been heavy into gedanken experiments on how to best
> utilize its characteristics. I've many times made steak or duck on a
> cast iron skillet for searing and finished in the oven at 300o until
> the meat's up to temp.
> As I understand it, the BGE can go up in temp pretty fast but has a
> hard time going down so I figured reversing the order would be a good
> way to utilize its characteristics. I figured you could build the
> fire up to like 250~300, let the meat sit there for a few then open
> the vent to bring the temperature up to full blast (while monitoring
> internal meat temp, at least the first couple times). Start even
> lower with some wood chips on the fire and you'd have some good eats.
> Funny that this post should come up the same time I was thinking
> this.
> -Andy B.
Andy- I don't know if you have this site bookmarked, it's a
great reference source for all things Egg. Good luck with your's: