Dispatches from the Great Vodka War
Victor wrote on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 23:47:39 +0200:
VS> By Serge Schmemann
VS> PARIS: There's been a lot said lately about how the
VS> Union has staved off war on its continent.
VS> The 80-proof stuff, the standard set by Tsar Alexander III
VS> in 1894, is just right for extended abuse. The 100 proof
VS> vodka, which is 50 percent alcohol, burns the mouth and
VS> works too fast, but it can be fine-tuned by simply adding
VS> water.
VS> All vodka-drinking peoples have scores of recipes for
VS> flavoring vodka, from the buffalo grass popular in Poland
VS> (zubrowka) to the pepper-honey Ukrainian vodka that I
VS> particularly like.
A while ago, Consumer Reports assembled a tasting panel of vodka
experts. Unfortunately for the expertise, they slipped in a
ringer: pharmaceutical alcohol diluted to vodka strength and
that came first! I happen to like pepper vodka that I keep in
the freezer and I have found that expensive commercial products
don't taste any better than the cheapest vodka I can find ($6 a
bottle) with guadillo chillies steeped in it for 10 minutes.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: