Thread: Avacodes ???
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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Avacodes ???

bob wrote:

> My recommendation is, if you have some time, buy your avos unripe and
> ripen them yourself. It usually takes me three to four days max in a
> fruit bowl with apples - sometimes less. It's also good to know that
> the longer the stem is, the longer it takes for the avocado to ripen.
> Most commercial varieties come with short (a quarter to a half an
> inch) stem. If you're picking your own avos, cut stems a varying
> lengths if you don't want all your avos to ripen at the same time.

> I hope this has been helpful.

Very! Thanks very much.
How do restaurants manage to ripen so many at the right time? Do you
have a particularly favorite recipe for your guac?