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Default Can wheat gluten for human consumption be toxic?

On Apr 14, 7:35 pm, "Viviane" > wrote:
> Hey dkw, thanks for your reply.
> > Viviane, I think someone added the poison to the gluten. That's one
> > theory out there now, at any rate....

> Anyway, I hope it's an isolated and exceptional case.
> > Moths and grubs can occur in grains and seeds, but they don't really
> > hurt anything.

> No, they don't hurt anything but they can be very annoying and
> difficult to get rid of. My point is that it seems food inspection may
> be deficient if poison and bugs manage to get in there before we buy
> it.
> Cheers,
> Viviane

Perhaps, but I am not so concerned about the bugs. It's like somone
said, would you rather drink water from a pond that had live fish in
it or no fish. The answer is live fish, because if fish can't live in
it, it's possibly poison. The alternative to occasional eggs in grain
is that they will use pesticides around it and possibly contaminate
the food. I prefer natural food. The less anyone does to it the
better. In fact, I was wishing I could buy farina without the added
iron. I don't need the iron and all brands I find have 45% of the
daily requirement per serving. Problem is I eat about 6 daily
servings. dkw