Nancy Young wrote:
> "wff_ng_7" > wrote
> > That's something I'm considering doing too, when my current car gives up
> > the ghost. There are car sharing services here that rent cars by the
> > without having to do the whole rental agreement crap every time. You
> > up for the service, then you just schedule a car on the internet or
> > and pick it up when you need it. There are two companies offering it
> > Zipcar ( and Flexcar ( The closest car
> > a block from my house, and there are several others within about 5
> > of my house. They give you a "magic key", and you just walk up to the
> > use the key, and drive off. Very simple.
> >
> > Mostly I can get around fine on public transportation, but if I needed a
> > car for some errand, I could just use one of these. It's a great service
> > for those who only need a car occassionally for a short time.
> What is the downside to that?? Geez. No insurance, no maintenance?
> Sounds like a no-brainer.
And in dense urban nabes don't forget parking costs, here in Chicawgo that
can easily run you several hundreds per month for garage parking in a
residential area.. Not to mention the insane prices for a few hours of
parking in a public garage in places like Manhattan, Chicawgo's Loop, etc...