On Apr 15, 9:57�pm, blake murphy > wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Apr 2007 09:10:52 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
> wrote:
> >"Sheldon" > wrote
> >> Roast boneless pork loin, Italian green beans, baked potato...
> >I really enjoyed your pictures, Sheldon. *Who's the tuxedo?
> >Tugged at my heartstrings, I never did get over mine, even after
> >all these years.
> >I do love Italian green beans, can't think why I haven't had them in
> >so long. *Maybe I'll surprise Ron with his mother's beef stew one of
> >these days, it has those in it.
> >nancy
> ah, another chance to display my ignorance. *how are they different
> from regular string beans besides being flat?
They taste different and have a different texture, also contain larger
meatier seeds, like wax beans are different, in fact there are many,
many types of long bean.
Here are merely a miserly fewa:
http://www.burpee.com/shopping/searc...&Sea rch.y=12