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Ray Calvert Ray  Calvert is offline
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Posts: 305
Default Fast maturing wine recepies

I will second this. Jack's frozen concentrate Wech's Niagara white is about
the fastest maturing wine recipe I have ever tried and it can be very good.
People will not believe it is made from Welch's. It is generally ready to
drink in 2 months.

A caution - In my opinion it goes over the hill by 9 to 12 months. So don't
plan to make a bunch and keep it arround. It is the only recipe I recomend
making in 3 gallon or less batchs.. It will also blend well with almost any
fruit wine. When blended with fruit wine or mead it seems to speed up
drinkability but and does not seem to go over the hill as fast as when left


"jim" > wrote in message
> You might benefit from some of the recipes on this page:
> it's run by Jack Keller - a
> hero to many winemakers.
> I'd draw your attention in particular to the 'Welches' grape and fruit
> juice recipes at the bottom of the page which are ready to drink 'very
> soon' after making. I'd say 'right away' if your needs are urgent. The
> recipes I refer to use fresh or frozen grape and fruit juices /
> concentrates and please many winemakers who require an affordable and
> quaffable table wine.
> I hope this helps, Jim
> "Trought" > wrote in message
>>I am after fast maturing (weeks not months idealy) wine recepies such
>> as fruit or juice etc. I am keen to avoid kits. Any recepies
>> gratefully accepted.
