Tom Wolper > wrote:
: Justin Wilson wrote:
:> How would you categorize this Rogue Dead Guy ale? It's a good beer, although
:> I wish it were a bit more hoppy (but maybe that's because I usually drink
:> IPA).
:> BA puts it in the Maibock category.
: I'd categorize it as an American pale ale. I like the fact that it leads with
: malt rather than hops. I can see putting it into another style category so that
: drinkers will not be surprised that it doesn't taste like Sierra Nevada Pale
: Ale, for example. Assuming Dead Guy is top fermented, I think it's wrong to call
: it a maibock, even if it gives the drinker a closer expectation of its taste.I
: would rather see it called an American Blonde Ale.
: Tom W
From Rogue's web site:
Dead Guy is a German-style Maibock made with Rogue's proprietary
"PacMan" ale yeast. It is deep honey in color with a malty aroma, rich
hearty flavor and a well balanced finish. Dead Guy is created from
Northwest Harrington, Klages, Maier Munich and Carastan malts, along
with Perle and Saaz Hops. Dead Guy Ale is available in 22-ounce bottles,
12-ounce 6-pack, and on draft.
reply to bbenzel adelphia net