On Apr 16, 6:05�pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> In my travels today, I wound up at Whole Foods. *For some
> reason, I noticed the salad bar today, and thought ... maybe
> I should make a salad to go with the ribs for dinner. *What a
> gorgeous salad I saw, I had to have it. *I took a picture of it so
> I can try to recreate it for myself sometime.
> http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4ckvl8k
> Cucumber, grape tomatoes, red onion, yellow pepper,
> parsley, oil and vinegar, salt and pepper, and parsley.
> Maybe I'm missing something. *At any rate, it was so refreshing,
> and so pretty the way they shaved (peeled? *zested?) the cukes.
Nice but needs some greens, and I'd add some sliced egg with caviar,
actually salmon roe drizzled over the egg slices would be loverly.
Don't complain, at first I was thinking beets. hehe