On Apr 16, 6:05 pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> In my travels today, I wound up at Whole Foods. For some
> reason, I noticed the salad bar today, and thought ... maybe
> I should make a salad to go with the ribs for dinner. What a
> gorgeous salad I saw, I had to have it. I took a picture of it so
> I can try to recreate it for myself sometime.
> http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4ckvl8k
> Cucumber, grape tomatoes, red onion, yellow pepper,
> parsley, oil and vinegar, salt and pepper, and parsley.
> Maybe I'm missing something. At any rate, it was so refreshing,
> and so pretty the way they shaved (peeled? zested?) the cukes.
> nancy
yeah, maybe a little splash of salt?
nice salad
I went to a nice seafood place fer lunch yesterday.. supposed to be
I had the broiled trout, but the veggies where waaaay overcooked. they
were done in garlic and butter which is fine BUT SWIMMING IN IT? pfft!
the hell they know about fine dining, I shoulda slapped the cook for
destroying the veggies.