"Nancy Young" wrote:
> "Steve Wertz" wrote
> > Nancy Young wrote:
> >> In my travels today, I wound up at Whole Foods. *For some
> >> reason, I noticed the salad bar today, and thought ... maybe
> >> I should make a salad to go with the ribs for dinner. *What a
> >> gorgeous salad I saw, I had to have it. *I took a picture of it so
> >> I can try to recreate it for myself sometime.
> >>http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4ckvl8k
> > The same salad would be 1/5th the price when you make it at home.
> > Whole Foods here would have charged $8/lb for that salad. *The
> > individual vegetables would have been ~$1.40/lb at a regular
> > supermarket.
> Well, I bought .8lb. *To make it I would have had to buy
> 1 cucumber, 1 red onion, 1 yellow pepper, a container of grape
> tomatoes. *Parsley. *Could I have bought all that for $6.40?
> Maybe.
> > I usually only eat at salad bars that are $5/lb or less. *And
> > even then I'd usually buy my dressing separately from the grocery
> > shelves. *A known good dressing, like Girards.
> This really was vinegar with a touch of oil. *No expense there.
> Aside from my unrelated problem of finding the white wine
> vinegar I ran out of last week.
> Regardless, I didn't buy it based on price, I bought it because
> it just looked so damm good. *
My concern is cleanliness and freshness, I've never bought a prepared
salad from a stupidmarket. I don't mind purchasing all the
ingredients and only using part... they'll still be fine to make other
salads later.
> I took note of the ingredients so
> I could recreate it for myself. *I'll even fork the cuke ... which ... now
> I'm wondering, would English cucumber be good for this? *Hmmm.
Well, depends on your forking preferences... the English cuke is
longer, but it's thinner and has fewer bumps... I think you'd enjoy a
zoftig kirby.