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Pennyaline Pennyaline is offline
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Default Why do we still use chopsticks?

Karen wrote:
> Pondering the use of chopsticks in western society. Since forks,
> knives, spoons were invented, why do we still use chopsticks?

To celebrate diversity? To have something in which to rub the noses of
chopstick-less diners? Because we didn't get the other dishes washed in

Just spitballing!

> Chopsticks are disposable, which impacts the environment and uses up
> trees.

I've seen bamboo, metal and plastic chopsticks. Only one of those is
disposable, and only one has a severe impact on the environment.

> They're ancient.

And from thriving cultures thousands of years old, no less, something
that Westerners have a devil of a time getting their heads around.

> You can't cut up a piece of teriyaki chicken or a big piece of sushi
> with chopsticks. You can't scoop up the soup with a chopstick. You
> can't spear anything with a chopstick. It seems that modern utensils
> make more sense but we still use chopsticks.

My understanding of it is that food is already cut to manageable
chopstick size before cooking. I also understand that sushi/sashimi can
be treated as finger foods and so utensils are not mandatory.

> And, some of us aren't very good at using them, either. (me) Is
> considered that eating with chopsticks tidier than eating with a knife
> and fork? It seems less tidy to me and some slurping and splattering
> occurs in the course of using chopsticks.

I never became proficient with them, either. So I don't use them. You
don't have to use them either. But you mustn't condemn them as outmoded
and impractical because you're not very good at using them. I'm
awestruck by those who use them well!

> Why aren't chopsticks being phased out? Why do we use chopsticks for
> certain types of food?

Why would anyone phase them out?

> Do they make food taste better? Is the slender chopstick able to place
> the food on the tongue in a location that may enhance the flavor?

> Just wondering.

How would you react if someone from another culture wrote a post such as
yours, but condemning the use of the knife and fork? Would you
understand that point of view?

Just wondering.